
Funeral Clown

I was talking with a friend the other day about some practical jokes that would be considered sociopathic. One of them was particularly of interest, and that was calling a clown to a funeral.

Granted, that would be a sick joke, as much to the poor clown as to the mourning people. But it definitely would be epic.

If I ever know the date and time for my own funeral, I would call a clown. Heck, I would even ask that as my dying wish! People in a funeral are usually mourning and sad and crying - but I would not want them to! This would be the last time they see me - might as well make it a happy occasion! I'd like people to laugh and remember all the good times we had together. I'd want people to cry from laughter, not sadness. That would be my funeral, and there would be clowns, one or two comedians, and good music from live musicians. Helium balloons, and what the heck, sulfur hexafluoride balloons, for even more laughs! Then just before all this is over and the sun has set, fireworks! Giant flowers of light, so that I can go with a bang.

Oh, and while we're at it, burgers, hot dogs, and steaks on the BBQ outside.

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