
Edinburgh - Day 8 & 9

Normal morning, normal day learning and browsing, and got back to the hotel after work. During the day, I was looking at the interesting restaurants in Edinburgh, and found out on tripadvisor that the Indaba was really good, and the prices were great.

Since the people here eat a bit later than I am used to, I waited in my room, watching an episode about the chemicals related to love on BBC, which is unavailable to people outside the UK. At 20:00, I left the hotel towards the Indaba, but when I got there, it was closed for January. I continued walking for quite a long while, trying to find somewhere interesting to eat, but wound up eating at the hotel restaurant at around 21:30 when I got back. Relaxed for the rest of the evening, and went to sleep.

The haggis I had looked like that.
Haggis, neeps, and tatties.
Day 9 (a thursday, and my last day of work), was pretty similar. Normal morning and day. For lunch, we went again to Gregg's (like yesterday and the rest of the week). We left by bus again, but I didn't leave at my hotel - I stayed with him, walking around the city centre, and he showed me a couple places on the way. We went to Mum's Comfort Food (previously known as Monster Mash). We waited for his girlfriend to arrive (a very pretty Chinese lady) and I ordered my first haggis ever. It was okay, but my coworker said it was better the year before. It tasted a lot like the tourtière we have in Quebec.

Traditional haggis, which I expected to get but didn't.
The waiter was very friendly. Almost light-headedly friendly, as if he had drunk a bit while working. We overheard that it was his last day of work (?), so maybe that was it. When he heard that I was Canadian, he talked a bit about Canada and a friend in Montreal. He was also physically friendly, putting his hand on the clients' shoulders (mine included, but mostly the female patrons on another table). He also learned that it was the first time I had haggis, and he said "A haggis virgin? And you ate it all?" and he made me stand up and offered me a friendly hug, which I accepted.

We finished eating, parted ways, and I walked back to the hotel, where I drank my second (and last) beer in my hotel room while reading. (I had a total of 1 cidre, 2 beers, and 1 ale bought).

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