
Color Perception

A few years ago, I was (and still am) interested in psychology.

Different creatures perceive different ranges of light wavelengths. For example, bees can see some infrared. I was wondering how you would perceive such a new color. Would the red-violet spectrum you see be widened, so that your green be a bit bluer? Would there be a new color that you would be unable to describe to other people? What would you see - how could you see? Would it drive you insane?

Then I started to think about color-blind people. Imagine someone who has trouble distinguishing between shades of green, yellow, and red (deuteranopia). How would she react if she would suddenly be cured, and see these shades for the first time?

Another thing that I was wondering was whether my red is the same as yours. How can I know the colors you see in your head are the same as mine? Can there be a way to test this?

1 comment:

  1. Je me suis déjà posé les mêmes questions :) Malheureusement, sans réponse
