It was a pretty uneventful day. By now, I was expecting to start acting like a zombie, but I've been feeling great and alert all day.
I started slow, watching some episodes on the computer, then I went to a place where they sell fruits and vegetables, by foot, and brought two big bags back home. I left for the grocery store, still by foot, bringing again two big bags. The morning has seen a lot of walking, and I was finally back home at 12:30. It was a bit later than I had hoped, but I wasn't feeling tired.
This is starting to make me nervous. By all logic, I should be extremely tired. I have had a total of about three hours of sleep since thursday morning (this is saturday). I still take too much time to fall asleep - I could guess at an average of 15 to 20 minutes. I hope this will shorten to 2-5 minutes soon.
The afternoon was uneventful. I still was not tired, and went about my business, finding things to do to pass the time. I still don't want to take the car. I may feel fine, but if I suddenly feel awful while away, I don't want to risk falling asleep behind the wheel.
I watched a scary movie right before my 22:00 nap. It was Paranormal Activity 2, and while I enjoyed it, in retrospect, it was possibly a wrong choice of movie - it took me about 20 minutes to fall asleep.
I still woke up fine, as always. I almost constantly feel that feeling behind the eyes, like when you're past your normal bed time by 3-4 hours. This hasn't been bothering me or preventing me from doing anything, but the feeling is there, and is just nagging.
It could be anything, but I think my body is storing energy. I'll need at least a few days of data, but so far, I gained one kilogram yesterday, and another one today. This is terribly irritating, because I feel hungry all the time, and I have to stop myself from emptying the fridge. I'm awake 4-5 hours more in a day, so my calorie intake should be between 3500-4000 kcal. The additional food I eat, compared to what I eat in a normal day, is not that much. If it's not the additional meal and snacks (all very healthy food, by the way), I have no idea what else it could be caused by.
Right now, it's 23:47. I wish I would be more tired - that would give me a sign that I need a nap right now, but I feel fine. If it's the same as yesterday, I may become a temporary zombie from 02:00 to 04:00.
I started programming during the night. Since this was a very good way to keep my brain excited, I figure it will help me not to fall asleep at the desk. Of course, I'll have to find something else if I'm starting to nod.
One thing I really miss: when it's the weekend and you can stay in bed if you want. That's a pleasant feeling that you don't really appreciate until you can't have it anymore. It's very similar to the feeling you have when you wake up four hours before your alarm.
Finally, I was a bit more tired at around 03:00, but nothing important.
Je viens de comprendre... tu écoutes activity paranormal pour ne pas t'endormir!!!! il te fait peur ce film AVOUE!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletec'est quoi tu fais de plus dans ton 24h? parce que 4-5h de plus, faut que tu te trouve de quoi a faire!
ReplyDeletePis c'est vrai que c'est plaisant rester dans le lit.... au chaud... Mais tu ne fera pas ca toute ta vie hin?
Pis qu'est-ce que tu vas faire quand tu va vouloir aller chez maman/papa? Tu vas continuer comme ça? Et pour ici ? Je ne verrai plus mon frère :(((
Paranormal Activity 2 m'a donné la chair de poule à plusieurs moments, et m'a fait faire un saut une ou deux fois. J'ai bien aimé le film, mais c'était un peu lent.
ReplyDeleteDans mon 4-5 heures de plus, je peux enfin programmer et travailler sur mon site, pratiquer sur le piano, lire les livres que je n'ai jamais le temps de lire, cuisiner, nettoyer l'apartement (j'ai nettoyé les planchers à 1h du matin cette nuit), regarder quelques émissions... Il y a tellement de choses que je veux faire mais que je n'ai pas le temps!
Quand il va faire plus chaud, je pourrai aller courir au beau milieu de la nuit - pas besoin de fitter un 2h de course avec mon travail. Je peux aller au gym le soir au lieu de me lever à 4h45 (avec un gym 24h, ça serait encore plus intéressant).
Non, je ne ferai pas ça toute ma vie... Je continue une ou deux semaines de plus, pour voir c'est quoi quand le corps est habitué (en ce moment, je suis encore dans la phase d'adaptation). Je vais peser le pour et le contre rendu là.
Quand je vais aller visiter, c'est juste une question d'aller me trouver un petit coin tranquille pendant 25-30 minutes. La journée, je toffe un bon 6h facilement avant d'être trop fatigué, alors ça laisse encore pas mal de temps, et tu pourra me voir. C'est juste 25-30 minutes, comme si j'allais écouter une émission en bas.
:-) Ah, à quand les journées de 48h ?